Saturday, November 23, 2013

Toco-Toco, Hoolz, Jules, Guns, Corazón de Melocotón, Mami, Pacho Agua, Titina*

I got my perky ears from my grandpa

My soft hands from my grandma

My neurotic nose from a cousin whose plastic surgeon hands glue back together six broken bones

My self-consciousness from my Guigui; whose refusal to leave the house pushed me out of it

My little off tooth from my stubbornness. I'm done with braces mom - age 12

My awkward sense of humor from my dad, who can only relax after a few drinks

My coquetry from my step-mom (former step-mom). Fortunately, I learned how to be a lady from my Belkis/mother

My will and commitment to excellency from her too, a person who does not doubt my own abilities, not one bit, but constantly questions hers

My internal clock to know when to shut up from my sociology teacher, who shook me out of my spoiled self in five minutes

My appetite for writing from my 4th grade poetry teacher

My sassiness from my other grandmother. She's 72 and there's no stopping her

My courage from the same person who taught me how to build a fruitful relationship without ever having one as an example

My ambitiousness from an ex who lacks an emergency stop button

My patience from Guigui's son, whose heart is bigger than his reading abilities

My stubbornness from an uncle who I refuse to call an uncle

My athleticism from a body that loves food and a self-esteem vulnerable to western expectations

My fear for animals from the darkness that invaded my room every night

My love for love from my own naiveté.

*My nicknames, from special people.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


The combination between my love for Spoken Word and the palpability in Sy Stokes and The Black Bruins' facts made me fucking shiver.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

El Caraqué?

La última gota que derramó el vaso ese 27 de febrero de 1989 fue la subidita de precio del transporte público en tiempos de Carlos Andrés.

Cual será la que derramará este?